Hassaniam-Moghaddam H, Baghbanian N, Kolah A A. Evaluating the Factors Accompanying Coma in Patients Admitted to the Poisoning ICU of Loghman-Hakim Poison Hospital. IJT 2007; 1 (2) :1-1
1- Assistant professor of Clinical Toxicology and Medicine,Shahid Beheshti Unuversity, Tehran,Iran
2- General Physician
3- Associte professor of Community Medicine,Shahid Beheshti Unuversity, Tehran,Iran , a.kolahi@sbmu.ac
Abstract: (12583 Views)
Introduction: Iran is a young-populated country. Loss of consciousness (LOC) due to poisoning is a major cause of patients' referrals to emergency departments. It has good prognosis if it is appropriately diagnosed and treated.
This study was done to determine the causes of LOC in patients hospitalized in poisoning ICU of Loghman-Hakim Poison Hospital (LHPH) from September 23, 2004 to March 20, 2005.
Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was performed on 263 poisoned patients in the poisoning ICU of LHPH who had LOC with advanced grades (2,3 or 4) and were 10 years and older. Questionnaires including these data were filled: age, sex, grade of LOC, cause of LOC, cause of using the drug or poison (accidental or suicidal) and the outcome. These questionnaires were filled for patients whose data met our inclusion criteria. All the information was then analyzed by SPSS using Chi-square test.
Results: Two hundred sixty three patients were studied of which 59.7% were men and 40.3% women. The mean age was 30.2±11.9 with the range of 11 to 76 years. The median age was 26. The most common age group was 21 to 30 (45.3%). The most common causes of LOC were tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) (26%), opium and opioids (18.6%), benzodiazepines (15.43%), unknown etiology (9.7%) and organophosphates (7.7%). 23.6% were poisoned accidentally and 76.4% were poisoned due to suicide attempts. Finally, 81.4% were discharged and 18.6% died.
Conclusion: Most poisonings were due to suicides and the most common age was that of young people. Therefore, it is recommended that the young be mentally supported so that the suicidal motives decrease. Most comatose cases due to poisoning eventually recovered fully.
Type of Study:
Research |