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Showing 1 results for Arab-Rahmatipour

Alireza Ebadollahi-Natanzi, Gholamreza Arab-Rahmatipour ,
Volume 11, Issue 4 (July-August 2017)

Background: Medicinal plants have potential to affect therapeutically procedures. In this study, the therapeutical effects of psyllium on a patient with highly increased level of uric acid, creatinine, and urea have been studied.

Case Report: The case was a 50-yr-old woman affected by diabetes mellitus. Her blood biochemical analyses, showed an increased levels of uric acid (9.70±0.30mg/dL), urea (93.00± 3.60mg/dL) and creatinine (2.30±0.20 mg/dL). She was taken allopurinol (100 mg /daily) followed by consumption of 5 gr/daily from psyllium seeds which continued for two consecutive weeks. Then, the levels of uric acid, urea and creatinine were reached the normal value so that their measured levels were 5.60±0.26; 34.00±1.73 and 1.10±0.10 mg/dL, respectively. Psyllium together with allopurinol could also reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in this patient.

Conclusion: We can conclude that psyllium along with allopurinol can synergistically decrease the increased levels of uric acid, creatinine, and urea.

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