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Showing 1 results for Majnoni

Farshid Majnoni , Hossein Alipour, Mehdi Hassanpour , Gholamreza Banagar , Majid Ajorlo ,
Volume 9, Issue 28 (Spring 2015)

Background: This study aimed to evaluate the pollution levels of surface water with heavy metals including Pb, Cd and Cr in Gheshlagh River, western Iran.
Methods: Water and sediment were sampled in five monitoring stations with three replicates in time along the river. The concentration of Cr, Pb and Cd in both water and sediment samples were measured with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer (Australia, Varian 220). The Geoaccumulation Index and Pollution Load Index were employed to assess the pollution level of sediments with heavy metals.
Results: The mean value of Cd, Cr, Pb in sediment samples were 0.69, 17.19 and 10.69 µgg-1 per dry weight, respectively. Water samples contained Cd, Cr and Pb concentration of 1.99, 1.45 and 12.92 µgL-1, respectively. The Geoaccumulation Index and Pollution Load Index indicates that the sediments were not polluted with Pb and Cr, and unpolluted to moderately contaminated with Cd in Gheshlagh River.
Conclusion: This study concludes that the Gheshlagh River is threatened by heavy metals particularly Cd and Pb.

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