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Volume 8, Issue 27 (Winter 2015)                   IJT 2015, 8(27): 1160-1167 | Back to browse issues page

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Babaknejad N, Moshtaghie A A, Shahanipour K, Bahrami S. The Protective Roles of Zinc and Magnesium in Cadmium-Induced Renal Toxicity in Male Wistar Rats. IJT 2015; 8 (27) :1160-1167
URL: http://ijt.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-376-en.html
1- Islamic Azad University , n.babaknejad@gmail.com
2- Islamic Azad University
Abstract:   (6301 Views)
Background: Cadmium (Cd) is a heavy metal that has widespread use. It enters the food chain in different ways, including soil and water. Cadmium can cause dysfunction of different body organs. Zinc (Zn) and magnesium (Mg) supplementation can have protective effects against cadmium toxicity due to their antagonistic and antioxidants properties. This study examines the influence of supplemental Zn and Mg on Cd renal toxicity.
Methods: Young male Wistar rats were divided into six groups of five. The Cd group received 1 mg Cd/kg and the control group received 0.5 mg/kg normal saline (i.p.). The other four groups were administered 1 mg/kg Cd+0.5 mg/kg Zn, 1 mg/kg Cd+1.5 mg/kg Zn, 1 mg/kg Cd+ 0.5 mg/kg Mg, and 1 mg/kg Cd+ 1.5 mg/kg Mg (i.p.) for 21 days. Then, serum sodium, potassium, urea, creatinine, and protein levels were measured.
Results: The results indicated that creatinine and proteinlevels decreased while urea, sodium, and potassiumlevels increased as a result of Cd exposure. Co-administered Cd and Zn and Mg decreased urea and increased sodium serum level in comparison to the cadmium group. Treatment by Mg, contrary to co-administered Cd and Zn, reduced serum protein level compared to the cadmium group. Compared to the cadmium treated group, Zn and Mg treatment enhanced serum creatinine level and reduced serum potassium level.
Conclusion: The findings seem to suggest that zinc and magnesium compounds,due to their antagonistic and antioxidant activities, can protect Cd renal toxic effectsin a dose-dependent manner.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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