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Volume 17, Issue 4 (October 2023)                   IJT 2023, 17(4): 35-41 | Back to browse issues page

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Vali A, Soleimani Badie M, Dastan D, Moradkhani S. Cytotoxicity of the Extracts of Lamiaceae Plant Species against a Breast Cancer Cell Line. IJT 2023; 17 (4) :35-41
URL: http://ijt.arakmu.ac.ir/article-1-1251-en.html
1- Department f Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy, Medicinal Plants and Natural Product Research Center, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
2- Department f Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, School of Pharmacy, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
3- Department f Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy, Medicinal Plants and Natural Product Research Center, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran , shirin.moradkhani@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (781 Views)
Background: Breast cancer is a common human neoplasia in women. Species of the Lamiaceae plant have been found to exert in vitro anti-proliferative activity on breast cancer cells. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxic effect of the extracts of ten species from the Lamiaceae family on a breast cancer cell line. We also examined the selective indices of the fractions and essential oil of the most effective extract.
Methods: The plant species were harvested, dried and authenticated. The hydro-alcoholic extract of each plant was examined for its cytotoxicity on the breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) using MTT assay. The n-Hexane, chloroform and ethyl acetate fractions were prepared from Nepeta crispa extract. Hydro-distillation method was used to isolate the Nepeta crispa’s essential oil. The essential oil and the fractions were examined in vitro for the cytotoxic effects against both HEK293 and MCF-7 cell lines.
Results: The Nepeta crispa extract exhibited significant cytotoxic activity on MCF-7 (IC50 = 59 ±3.4μg/mL) compared to other extracts. The n-hexane fraction of Nepeta crispa demonstrated the highest cytotoxicity (IC50 = 65.47 ±4.3μg/mL) among other fractions. The essential oil exhibited concentration-dependent inhibition against the growth of cancer cells, and showed the most inhibitory effect against MCF-7 cells (IC50 = 18.15 ±2.7μg/mL) with a selectivity index of 9.69.
Conclusions: Based on the results, the n-hexane fraction and essential oil of Nepeta crispa may be the potential sources of biologically active components to develop novel drugs for breast cancer treatment.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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