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Monitoring of Heavy Metals in Water, Sediment and Phragmites australis of Aras River along the Iranian-Armenian Border Jaber Aazami
*, Parisa Taban
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In Vitro Binding Potentials of Bentonite, Yeast Cell Wall and Lactic Acid Bacteria for Aflatoxin B1 and Ochratoxin A Damoon Ghofrani Tabari, Hassan Kermanshahi
*, Abolghasem Golian, Reza Majidzadeh Heravi
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In Vivo Assessment of Gamma Rays, Electron-beam Irradiation plus a Commercial Toxin Binder (Milbond-TX) As an Anti-Aflatoxin B1 in a Chicken Model Saeed Hasanpour, Shaban Rahimi, Omid Fani Makki
*, Gholamreza Shahhosseini, Alireza Khosravi
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The Effect of Cadmium on the Ultrastructure and Metallothionein Levels in the Liver and Kidneys of Japanese quail Omid Karimi, Saeed Hesaraki
*, Seyyed Pejman Mortazavi
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Efficiency of SBR Process with a Six Sequence Aerobic-Anaerobic Cycle for Phosphorus and Organic Material Removal from Municipal Wastewater Nadiya Shahandeh, Reza Jalilzadeh Yengejeh
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Respiratory Apnea in Patients with Acute Poisoning by Tramadol (Two Years Study) Seyed Kazem Taheri, Gholamali Dorooshi, Saeed Afzali
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Induction of Micronuclei and Erythrocytic Nuclear Abnormalities in Peripheral Blood of Fish Cyprinus carpio on Exposure to Karanjin Shoeiba Tasneem
*, Rafath Yasmeen
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Toxicological Effects of a Post Emergent Herbicide on Spirodela polyrhiza as a Model Macrophyte: A Comparison of the Effects of Pure and Nano-capsulated Form of the Herbicide Samaneh Torbati
*, Mehdi Mahmoudian, Neda Alimirzaei
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